How to Vape: A Beginner’s Guide to Inhaling

9 Min Read

Vaping has rapidly become a popular alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes, offering users a variety of flavors and experiences while purportedly reducing some of the harmful effects associated with combustible tobacco. As a beginner, understanding how to inhale a vape properly is crucial for a satisfying and safe experience. This guide will walk you through the basics of vaping, the mechanics of different devices, and inhalation techniques suitable for various levels of expertise.

What is Vaping?

Vaping involves the use of electronic devices, commonly known as e-cigarettes or vape pens, which create an aerosol by heating a liquid containing nicotine, flavorings, and other chemicals. Unlike traditional smoking, which relies on combustion to deliver nicotine, vaping utilizes a battery-powered heating element to produce a vapor that users inhale.

The initial vape devices mimicked the appearance of cigarettes, but modern variations come in diverse forms, including devices that resemble USB flash drives or small pods. Despite the wide range of designs, all vape devices share fundamental components, such as a battery, sensor, and an atomizer or flavor cartridge.

How Does a Vape Work?

The fundamental operation of all vapes is similar:

  1. Battery Source (Vape Mod): Powers the device.
  2. Heating Element (Coil): Vaporizes the e-liquid.
  3. Atomizer: The chamber where e-juice is heated.
  4. Mouthpiece: Allows the user to inhale the vapor.

Vaping devices function as a complete system where each component plays a crucial role. Beginners are advised to start with pre-packaged kits to ensure compatibility and ease of use, while experienced users might prefer to customize their devices by mixing and matching different parts.

How to Inhale a Vape

Proper inhalation techniques are essential to enjoying a vaping experience without discomfort. Incorrect inhalation can lead to coughing or an unpleasant rush of nicotine. There are two primary inhalation techniques: Mouth-to-Lung (MTL) and Direct-to-Lung (DTL). The choice of technique depends on the type of vape device you use.

Mouth-to-Lung (MTL) Inhalation

MTL inhalation is well-suited for smaller vape devices with high resistance coils and high nicotine e-liquids. The process is similar to smoking a traditional cigarette, making it ideal for former smokers.

Steps for MTL Inhalation:

  1. Slowly Draw Vapor: Inhale the vapor into your mouth for a few seconds.
  2. Hold the Vapor: Keep the vapor in your closed mouth for a second or two.
  3. Inhale to Lungs: Open your mouth and breathe the vapor into your lungs (do not swallow).
  4. Exhale: Release the vapor from your lungs.

MTL hits feel like sucking air through a coffee straw, producing low amounts of vapor and providing a throat hit similar to smoking.

Direct-to-Lung (DTL) Inhalation

DTL inhalation is best for larger vapes with low resistance coils and low nicotine e-liquids. The process feels like taking a “bong hit” and is characterized by smooth, easy inhalation.

Steps for DTL Inhalation:

  1. Quickly Draw Vapor: Inhale the vapor directly to your lungs.
  2. Exhale Immediately: Release the vapor almost immediately.

DTL hits feel like sucking air through a milkshake straw, producing large amounts of vapor and a smoother throat hit.

Restricted Direct-to-Lung (RDTL) Inhalation

RDTL vaping is a hybrid technique combining elements of both MTL and DTL. This method involves drawing vapor into your mouth and then inhaling it directly into your lungs, providing high-flavor vapor with more airflow and larger clouds.

Steps for RDTL Inhalation:

  1. Draw Vapor into Mouth: Inhale the vapor into your mouth.
  2. Inhale to Lungs: Directly inhale the vapor from your mouth to your lungs.
  3. Exhale: Release the vapor.

This technique offers intense flavors without the harsh throat hits and is suitable for vapers looking for a more adventurous experience.

How to Inhale a Vape as a Beginner

As a beginner, it’s recommended to start with mouth-to-lung vaping. Here’s how to enjoy your first vape:

  1. Draw the Vapor: Inhale the vapor through the mouthpiece into your mouth.
  2. Hold the Vapor: Lock your mouth and hold the vapor for about two seconds.
  3. Inhale to Lungs: Open your mouth slowly while inhaling the vapor into your lungs.
  4. Exhale: Exhale the vapor and take a moment before taking another drag.

Beginner-friendly vape devices typically work best with higher-nicotine liquids and a 50/50 PG to VG ratio, producing thin vapor with mild flavoring similar to a cigarette.

How to Inhale a Vape as an Expert

For more experienced vapers, direct-to-lung inhaling is the ideal technique. This method requires a larger vape with a low-resistance coil and low-nicotine e-liquid.

Steps for Expert DTL Inhalation:

  1. Draw Vapor Quickly: Pull the vapor directly into your lungs in about two seconds.
  2. Exhale Immediately: Release the vapor to avoid absorbing too much.

Devices used for DTL inhalation often have adjustable airflow and a 70/30 VG content, producing thick, concentrated vapor.

Restricted Direct-to-Lung Vaping for Experts

Experienced vapers seeking intense flavors without harsh throat hits can opt for restricted direct-to-lung vaping. This technique is a hybrid of MTL and DTL methods, offering excellent flavor and vapor production.

Steps for RDTL Inhalation:

  1. Draw Vapor into Mouth: Inhale the vapor into your mouth.
  2. Inhale to Lungs: Directly inhale the vapor from your mouth to your lungs.
  3. Exhale: Release the vapor.

RDTL vaping is ideal for those who enjoy high-flavor vapor with more airflow and larger clouds.

Tips on How to Inhale Vape Properly

Mastering the different inhalation techniques is essential for a smooth vaping experience. Here are some tips to help you inhale vape properly:

General Tips

  1. Avoid Continuous Drawing: Drawing the vapor continuously can cause coughing and disrupt the experience.
  2. Practice with Water: As a beginner, practice by holding water in your mouth before spitting it out to prepare for MTL inhalation.
  3. Gentle and Slow Inhales: Start with gentle and slow inhales to avoid getting out of breath.
  4. Inhale Air Before Exhaling: When doing MTL, inhale some air before exhaling to prevent throat dryness and coughing.

MTL Specific Tips

  1. Use Suitable Devices: Beginner-friendly devices work best for MTL inhalation.
  2. Higher Nicotine Liquids: Use higher-nicotine liquids with a 50/50 PG to VG ratio for a cigarette-like experience.

DTL Specific Tips

  1. Preheat the E-liquid: Press the turn-on button before placing the mouthpiece in your mouth to heat the e-liquid.
  2. Inhale Slowly: Inhale the vapor slowly and take a deep breath to avoid oxygen shortage.
  3. Use Suitable Devices: Advanced devices with low-resistance coils and adjustable airflow are ideal for DTL inhalation.

RDTL Specific Tips

  1. Customize Kits: Use kits with high wattage, adjustable airflow, and low resistance for the best RDTL experience.
  2. High-Flavor Vapor: Enjoy high-flavor vapor with more airflow and larger clouds.


Vaping offers a versatile and customizable experience that can cater to both beginners and experienced users. Understanding the different inhalation techniques and using the appropriate devices are crucial for a satisfying and safe vaping experience. Whether you prefer the mouth-to-lung method for a cigarette-like experience or the direct-to-lung technique for larger vapor clouds, mastering the proper inhalation methods will enhance your vaping journey. Always start with the basics, practice proper techniques, and gradually explore more advanced methods as you become more comfortable with vaping.

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