Isle of Man bans sale of vapes to under-18s

3 Min Read

On May 27, 2024, the Isle of Man heralded a significant shift in public health policy with the implementation of stringent restrictions on the sale and promotion of vaping products. The Vaping Products Act 2024, which recently received Royal Assent, enforces a ban on selling vaping products to individuals aged 18 and under, aligning the Isle of Man with similar legislation in the United Kingdom. This move represents a proactive approach to mitigating the risks associated with vaping among young people.

Key Provisions of the Vaping Products Act 2024

Age Restrictions and Enforcement

Under the new law, it is now illegal to sell or supply vaping products, including e-cigarettes, replacement parts, and vaping liquids, to anyone under the age of 18. This prohibition extends to adults purchasing these products on behalf of minors, aiming to close potential loopholes that could undermine the regulation’s effectiveness.

Advertising and Display Bans

In addition to age restrictions, the Act introduces stringent controls on the advertising and display of vaping products. Starting September 1, 2024, retailers will be prohibited from publicly displaying or advertising vaping products in any location accessible to individuals under 18. This measure seeks to reduce the visibility and appeal of these products to young people.

Public and Government Response

The introduction of these regulations followed extensive public consultation, reflecting robust community support. According to a December 2022 survey, 73% of respondents favored banning the sale of vaping products to minors, underscoring a broad consensus on the need for such measures.

Cabinet Office Minister Kate Lord-Brennan emphasized the importance of these steps, stating, “These measures are an important move for the current and future health of young people.” By aligning with UK regulations and introducing additional point-of-sale restrictions, the Isle of Man aims to create a safer environment for its youth.

Specialist Shops and Wholesalers

The new regulations do provide some exemptions. Wholesalers and specialist vaping shops, which restrict access to individuals over 18, will be allowed to display and advertise vaping products within their premises. This nuanced approach aims to balance public health objectives with the operational needs of businesses specializing in vaping products.

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